Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dachau Konzentrationslager - July 28, 2006

Welcome to Dachau Concentration Camp.

I'll let the shock sink in for a bit.


Now, it turns out that Dachau is a large city of which probably only foreigners connect immediately to the concentration camp. Still, the very idea of McDonald's sponsoring the camp seemed sickly real in some not-too-distant future so I took the photo. I'm sure PETA types could get a lot of mileage out of this anyway :)

First view of the camp for the many prisoners who arrived by train at the platform on the right. Seeing the camp made my instinctively want to take black & white photos, something I decided purposely to refrain from doing after this shot. While some may argue that B&W contributes to adding seriousness and a certain timelessness to the photograph I think taking it also removes the reality of the place and event when used repetitively. Not to mention it contributes to a certain 'idealized' telling of history - a black and white revision so to speak - which should be avoided if seeking the truth of the situation is sought.

The entrance gate of the camp with the famous "Work Will Set You Free" slogan written above the gate.

A view of the administration and holding cells - the latter was used for torture, holding temporary and special prisoners.

The seemingly endless corridor lined with concrete cells.

A cell from the outside looking in.

A cell.

Artwork on display at the historical museum section of the camp - currently housed in the former nazi administration building.

The primary memorial structure outside the main administration building of the Dachau camp.

Reconstructed bunks in the prisoners barracks - opposite the roll-call grounds facing the administration building.

The main ground of the camp where roll-calls and daily life unfolded at the camp.

Barbwire and guard towers still maintain the concentration camp feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sobering shots. The McDonald's sign is absolutely surreal. Good eye.

Reckon the world has learned anything since then? Looking at Guantanamo and thinking about extraordinary rendition and daily life in Iraq, I'm afraid not.